Sunday, August 6, 2017

A listening ear can go a long ways

Have any of you found that when you are in a mood where everything feels like a trigger and you talk to someone about it that you feel better? I had a REALLY BAD (emotional wise) 2 weeks. Everything was setting off triggers and I felt like an emotional wreck on the inside. I haven't been that bad in 3 years.
I kept my emotional crisis bottled up until last night when I couldn't take it anymore. I ended up talking to my cousin about how I was feeling. She lost her 3 month old daughter (and 19 year old sister) to Trisomy 18 and last week had her 3rd miscarriage. I told her everything I was feeling and we talked for about an hour. I felt a little bit better after talking with her but I still felt emotionally heavy.
This morning, out of the blue, I confessed to my husband what I have been struggling with for the past 2 weeks. We talked for about 10 minutes about it. After we finished talking, I felt 95% better. The weight of the grief and everything I had been carrying around was lifted off my shoulders and I FINALLY had peace.
I have been thinking for the rest of the day on what was it that took the weight off? My husband didn't say anything spectacular. He just allowed me to talk and he listened. He asked why I thought I was having such a triggery 2 weeks. I told him that Little Man was born still 3&1/2 years ago today and on Wednesday will be 2 years since we lost Monkey and Cub. I also told him of the many things that triggered me. He said ok and we changed topics.
I couldn't believe what a difference a TRULY listening ear had on my situation. I wish society had more people who whole heartedly listened to what us grieving families had to say.

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